
This menu is dedicated to showing the current statistics of Mega Man and each Robot Master you currently have. Choosing this option from the main menu brings you to this screen:

Pressing right on any screen of this menu will move the display to the next character, while pressing left will move to the previous one (both options loop around). Pressing down will scroll through several screens of info, with the first showing the current level, HP, and SP of the character you have selected:

The next three screens will show the current attacks the selected character has at their disposal in the Team Battle mode:

The second screen out of these three is special in that if you press the enter button, it will allow you to move an attack to another character. First it will ask you if you want to do this:

Then, it will make you choose the attack to move. The highlighted one is the one being selected, not the normal one.

Next, it will make you choose the character to send the attack to - I've chosen Knight Man for this example:

Next, it will make you choose the attack to replace - in this example, you would want to replace the two-power attack:

The game will then display this confirmation screen after your selection:

Choosing no will send you back to the second attack selection, while choosing yes will move the first attack you selected over to the character you selected. Be careful using this feature, though - the attack slot on the first character will be overwritten with a zero-power attack.

The next screen in the list is a running tally of how much experience is needed for the next level up.

The final screen is a win/lose record for the Team Battle mode. (In case you're wondering, the number being covered up by the arrow is 16 - I've personally found that characters tend to win slightly more often than they lose.)