Janken de Battle
Upon starting the game, you're greeted with this title screen that goes away on its own after a short time or can be dismissed immediately with the enter button:
You will be prompted to choose a Robot Master to use - I've chosen Yamato Man for this game:
Next, you will be prompted to choose a level (this adjusts how strict the timing is) - I've personally gotten as far as level seven, but level one is the only one unlocked to start so I've chosen that.
After a short scene where your selected Robot Master and a Met shuffle in from each side of the screen...
...the game begins. As the name suggests, the game plays similarly to janken (or rock-paper-scissors elsewhere). The Met will display one of three symbols (rock, paper, or scissors)...
...and your goal is to press the button that corresponds with the symbol that beats it in standard janken (the left button is rock, the up button is scissors, and the right button is paper).
Choose the wrong symbol or fail to make a selection in time and you'll be smashed in the face by the Met's symbol, like so:
Not only does this waste several seconds of time, but it also makes you lose a heart on the bottom of the screen. Lose all three and you're sent blasting off, with your final score being how many symbols you managed to get right:
If you're able to last the full 30 seconds of given time, though, the Met is sent blasting off automatically and you win, with your score being inflated by a multiplier dependent on what level you chose at the beginning:
Regardless of whether you win or lose, you'll gain experience points for the Robot Master you selected (unless you get a score of zero). How much you get is determined by dividing your score in half and rounding up to the nearest number.